Solsys Signs New Cloud Integration Partnership With IBM
Published: June 1, 2023
New partnership will improve delivery and integration of cloud technology
Toronto, ON, October, 2019 – Solsys announced today that it has signed a Cloud Integration Partnership with IBM. The new partnership with IBM will combine Solsys extensive API experience with IBM’s Cloud Integration and Development Platform to accelerate our customers successful API business journeys.
“We are excited about extending our API product and consulting services to include full sales and technical certification for the IBM Cloud Integration platform,” said Doug Brown, VP of Sales at Solsys.”

“The IBM certification is good for our customers, our employees, and our IBM partnership. We are immediately interested in sharing our API best practices in the context of IBM Cloud and Watson,” added Doug Brown, VP of Sales at Solsys.
Solsys plans to introduce API workshops that will empower customer stakeholders with the prerequisite business and technical support needed to achieve success with their API initiatives.
About Solsys
Solsys is a Canadian company that specializes in Digital Identity & Intelligence, Cloud and API digital services. We are a preferred partner and trusted advisor for Canadian leaders in the telecommunications and financial industries and work with companies to enhance their technological capabilities through API authorization, audit, and operational intelligence requirements. The company is recognized as an agile software leader in the GTA software community.
For further information, please contact Doug Brown at