Check out our latest blog post: You Need a Health Check to Optimize Your Splunk ROI

Solsys Labs

Welcome to the official launch of Solsys Labs. Our mission is to create innovative software products and services that provide business value to you! We listen to our customers and want to create a community to collaborate.

Welcome to Solsys Labs

Our lab began as a testing platform for new hires. We wanted to be able to watch candidates try to solve realistic problems in an environment that closely resembled one in which they’d be expected to perform. To that end, we did some research and found that setting up droplets in Digital Ocean was a simple and cost-effective way to set up a few Splunk servers and Heavy Forwarders that could easily be spun up and destroyed when it came time to perform the exercise. We developed an effective test to provide a reasonable challenge and watched as candidates worked through it. Often, we discovered that those candidates who didn’t necessarily complete the tasks correctly or at all still demonstrated the sort of intuitive critical-thinking skills that we look for at Solsys. That sort of knowledge couldn’t have been gleaned from simply administering a written test and evaluating the results.

API Workshops

This workshop is designed to help a product team come together to form a better understanding of their product, gain clarity on their goals, who their customers are, and what their product needs to achieve and deliver. A product canvas will be created to help socialize the critical business value the product is expected to deliver.

Azure Event Hub (AES) App for Splunk

A Solution to stream Azure Events to Splunk using an Azure Logic (serverless) application.

AES is a lightweight event-driven data stream processor. No additional software installation in Azure or Splunk.

azure event hub apps for splunk

Interested in learning more about our resources? Fill out our form and someone from the Solsys team will get in contact:

Solsys Labs APP End User License Agreement

We welcome your feedback and suggestions for new features and improvements.  Email and ask us to add you to our slack channel #solsys-here